Sunday, October 9, 2011

Soccer, Triathalon and more...

So it's been a busy 6 weeks or so since I last posted. The kids started school. Both are playing soccer. Tom is coaching Meagan's team. She is on the Butterflies this time. Tony stepped up to a new league this season with bigger fields and goals, more players on the field, and new rules (offsides actually counts now). It took a little getting used to but he and his team are finally getting into the grove.

Ankle-biters, ball magnets, and here she is with a break-away...

The throw-in...

I started a new job- I am a literacy aide at Parsons Junior High. I'm there 5 mornings a week working with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. I'm also getting ready to start a second job teaching a 6th grade girl who has a compromised immune system and can't go to regular school. I will be working with her at home 3 days a week helping her keep up with her classmates.

We decided the backyard needs a bit of tweeking, so Tom ripped out the patio so we can enlarge it. We're having a new patio cover put in tomorrow morning, I'll post pictures of that soon.

Meagan competed in her second triathalon last month. I forgot my camera, so I don't have pictures of the first one. For her the first one was more of a biathalon, since she decided to skip the swimming part, but the second time around she was all over the swimming. For her age group, the 5-8 year olds, (we fudged it a little so she could compete. She doesn't turn 5 till the end of the month) they have to swim 50 meters, hop on their bikes and ride 3/4 of a mile, then run a 1/4 mile. She loved it! Tony took more of a watch-and-see approach to it and is mulling over participating next time.
Amazing Girl!!

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