Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cherries & more....

It's time for CHERRIES!!!

This is the first year we've had any cherries from our tree- last year the weather wasn't cooperating, and the year before that we lost them all to the birds.

Tom is just about at the end of the concrete. This is the future BBQ pad. All that's left is the small patio at the end of the bocce court (8 squares)

Its Rodeo Week here in Redding, so the kids in Tiny Tots took a field trip out to see the animals and meet the Budweiser Clydesdales. We missed the barrel races that were scheduled for today, but we were just in time to watch them offload the cattle for some of the other events. I think the kids had more fun watching the cows come down the chute anyways. We finished up with lunch at the Sundial bridge. Lots of fun!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Meagan has a new toy- her Jumperoo. She LOVES it! She's like the energizer bunny on overdrive...once she starts she can't stop herself from bouncing. She gets to giggling, then mommy starts giggling and that makes her laugh even harder, which makes mommy hysterical. Its a sight to see...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Adventures in Ashland and more...


Its been a busy week here for us- we took a little trip up to Ashland for the weekend, had the computer upgraded for work, Meagan is 6 months old now, and Nana is here visiting for the week. Lots of fun stuff, not so much time to update. But here is a slide show from the weekend. We found a couple of campgrounds that we're going to stay at for summer getaways, played at a couple of parks, did the Harry & David thing, wandered the Jackson & Perkins test gardens, visited the creamery and came home with a bunch of great cheeses- Yum!

Meagan turned 6 months on Monday. I can't believe how fast time goes! She is 27" tall now and 16 lbs, 5 oz. She is rolling over in both directions & inching her way across the living room 'Meagan style' - she'll start out on her back, arch her head back to see where to go, lift her hips up and push back. She's rubbed off a bit of hair, but luckily its so long its covered up pretty well. She's getting pretty good at sitting by herself, but after a few minutes she'll flop, so we still have to keep a pretty close eye on her. Such a happy girl!