Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm still here, sort of...

Wow, its been a while and there is lots to write about. Things have been crazy but good. Going back to school is kicking my butt, but I'm enjoying it so I its ok. I'm halfway through the first semester and have finally managed to relax a bit. The classes I am taking this semester have a lot of classroom observation hours required on top of the rest of my classwork, so hopefully next semester won't be so hectic. Meagan is finally adjusting to staying at the sitter's and that helps a lot. She goes a couple days a week so I can visit schools and get some homework finished up. She wasn't too sure about it in the beginning, but now she doesn't even wait for me to shut the door of the car before she's racing up to the front door. She cries when I come to pick her up- she's not done playing with her friends and doesn't want to go home, so I guess that's a pretty good sign. Tom has been a superstar picking up all the pieces I'm dropping left and right and I couldn't do this without him. It has been quite an adjustment for all of us to say the least.

We had a great trip to Denver last month. My parents went with us and we all had a great time exploring museums, the aquarium, rode a train, saw the Rocky Mountain National Park, and drank lots of good beer: my mom and I got Tom and Dad tickets to the Great American Beer Festival for their birthdays. They were in heaven- sampling as many of the over 2000 beers in a five hour session- what's not to like?? I went to the Saturday session, and have to admit it was a lot of fun.

Tony's soccer season is just about wrapped up, the last game is on Saturday. I think he has more fun running around chasing his friends than actually playing the game, but hey he's still having a great time. Tom and I will be happy to have our Saturdays back, thats for sure!

Meagan is turning 3 on Friday. I can't believe how big she is getting. She's very excited for Halloween this year and can finally say trick or treat, its very cute.

I'll try to get some pictures up here soon, but don't hold your breath...