Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Little Bit of Everything

Here's a taste of the last week for us....

Tony in his growing independence has started picking out not only what clothes he wants to wear but what Daddy needs to wear too! He thought is was time to revisit the 60's...and wondered how come Mommy didn't have a tie-dyed shirt too??

Time for a little tummy time.
I love her sweet little face-
bright eyes and all!

Moving up in the world-

Meagan is trying out her new high chair. So far she seems to like it better for playing in rather than eating. We started rice cereal adventures! She's not exactly thrilled with it, but it definitely went over better than a bottle.

Here is Tom's latest project- Rather than a solid patio, we opted for these pavers. They are 24" x 24" squares of concrete. Once he's finished pouring the concrete, we'll come back and fill in between them with soil and a ground cover. Up next...the bocce court, seen on the right.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Its Spring!

Happy first day of Spring!! I have been working on this little wall hanging for a couple of years now. Finished it just in time for spring...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Birthday Boys!

Happy Birthday
Papa & Tom!

That's not enough candles....

Make a wish!

The best part of the presents- the wrapping paper & tissue!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chore Time

So maybe its not really a chore when you enjoy it so much! We are "holding" (read: protecting from the new puppies Dotty Sue and Buster Lee) some plants for Robin & Richard's front yard and since it has been so warm the last few days, they were a bit thirsty.

Who better to turn lose with a hose than Tony??

And while he's at it, maybe the walls need water too??

Pig Tails!

Wow! Meagan's hair is long enough to start putting up in pigtails...and Mommy needs a bit of practice. With any luck I'll be able to get them without a second set of hands! Who knew 4 month olds could move so quickly??!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some assembly required...

So, a neighbor decides its time to start spring cleaning and empties out the garage.
They came across this bookcase and thought Tony might be able to use it.
Mommy to the rescue...
break out the drill and hammers...
oh, thank goodness Tony was there to help me out!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The joys of spring...

Try as we might to get her to smile at the camera, Meagan was too busy exploring the grass for the very first time....

Friday, March 9, 2007

Meagan thought it as time to serenade us this morning....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Meet the Kids....

Meagan -"Little Lady"

Age: 4 months

Likes: Blowing raspberries,
her big brother Tony

Dislikes: missing naptime

Tony- aka Tony Baloney, TonyMan

Age: 3

Likes: Helping his Daddy, anything train especially Thomas the Tank Engine, crafts, puzzels & games

Dislikes: Bathtime