Friday, April 27, 2007

Adventures in "Tater Tots"

Tony has been going to Tiny Tots for a while now...or Tater Tots as he calls it. He loves going to "School" and hates that its only 3 days a week. I'm dreading telling him when its over for the summer! Yesterday was the Bike Parade-the big event ending a weeklong look at safety rules- looking both ways when crossing the street, wear your helmet when riding bikes, etc. etc. All the kids got to bring their bikes in ride the obstacle course. Their instructions were to ride in single file, follow the arrows marked on the pavement, stop at the stop sign, etc. etc. Here's what happens when you turn a dozen "Tater Tots" loose with their bikes....

Here are a few more pictures from a day with Tony at preschool....

Miss Gina sings " Everybody take a seat..."

Lunch Time!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I think its safe to say we have finally gotten the hang of eating!! Meagan especially likes peaches- so much so I can't feed them to her fast enough. She has taken to "feeding" them to herself to get them in faster...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gardening Bug Bites Again...

Our recent warm weather and lack of rain has us headed outside to dig in the dirt. I think we hit every garden center in town over the weekend in search of fun new plants.
Ok, so maybe it wasn't every one, but we did find a new favorite and lots of inspiration at the 5 or 6 we did visit.

Tom and Tony are prepping the veggie garden. The tomatoes and peppers are in. We're still waiting for the pumpkin seeds to come up and I think the corn seeds are going in this afternoon. We have some volunteer watermelon seedlings coming up from last year's crop, so maybe we'll have watermelons again this year.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Swing, Swing...

Tom found another one of his "Deal of the Century"- a free swing set, U-Haul... Tony & Meagan think its wonderful!

Hoppy Easter!!

Happy Easter!! We hope everyone had a great day. Tony started our day with a visit from the Easter Bunny...

Here are our big adventures today at the Hathaway Ranch in Oak Run...

For those of you who are gardeners, Trish has a spectacular shade garden. Here are just a few of her hostas and whatnot...

Saturday, April 7, 2007

So this is eating??....

Meagan- " You must be joking, right?? I don't remember reading this in my contract...hand over the boob and no one gets hurt."

Mama- "Please, just give it a try. It gets better, really. You have to believe me..."

Meagan- "I don't know about this..."

Meagan- "Okay, that wasn't so bad...what's next??"

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Chasing Butterflies...

Ok, I'm going to give this another try. Here are more antics from this morning's picnic. You may need to turn up the volume to hear Tony as he chases his butterflies....

Lunch at Daddy's Park

for a

We had lunch this afternoon with Daddy at one of his parks that he takes care of for the City. Tony helped get ready for our outing by making his own sandwich- peanut butter and jam (his favorite), packing everything into our picnic basket and carrying the umbrella out to the car. He was very excited to have lunch with his daddy!

Two peas in a pod!

While we were there, there were dozens of butterflies everywhere...Tony tried his best to catch one. We have a really funny video of it, but I'm experiencing technical difficulties with YouTube at the moment, so if I can get it figured out I'll add it in.

Shark Attack!!

For Daddy's birthday he decided he wanted to go to Red Robin's for dinner. While we were there, the "Balloon Girl" came to our table and made this shark hat for Tony. We had a hard time getting him to take it off for bed.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!