Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

It's that time again! Off to the patch with the Prices....

Another great trip. Tony and Mikayla thought they needed, absolutely had to have, the BIGGEST pumpkins they could find. It was all they could talk about at dinner Friday night. Once we hit the field, we shrugged and said sure- pick 'em out, but YOU have to carry them back to the carts and put them into the cars. They made it about 10 feet with their massive orbs and then decided to pick out somewhat smaller ones. After the pumpkins made it safely into the back of the cars, we turned them loose in the corn maze and petting zoo, painted their faces and filled them full of kettle corn and lemonade. All in all, it was a great day in the country.

Soccer, Triathalon and more...

So it's been a busy 6 weeks or so since I last posted. The kids started school. Both are playing soccer. Tom is coaching Meagan's team. She is on the Butterflies this time. Tony stepped up to a new league this season with bigger fields and goals, more players on the field, and new rules (offsides actually counts now). It took a little getting used to but he and his team are finally getting into the grove.

Ankle-biters, ball magnets, and here she is with a break-away...

The throw-in...

I started a new job- I am a literacy aide at Parsons Junior High. I'm there 5 mornings a week working with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. I'm also getting ready to start a second job teaching a 6th grade girl who has a compromised immune system and can't go to regular school. I will be working with her at home 3 days a week helping her keep up with her classmates.

We decided the backyard needs a bit of tweeking, so Tom ripped out the patio so we can enlarge it. We're having a new patio cover put in tomorrow morning, I'll post pictures of that soon.

Meagan competed in her second triathalon last month. I forgot my camera, so I don't have pictures of the first one. For her the first one was more of a biathalon, since she decided to skip the swimming part, but the second time around she was all over the swimming. For her age group, the 5-8 year olds, (we fudged it a little so she could compete. She doesn't turn 5 till the end of the month) they have to swim 50 meters, hop on their bikes and ride 3/4 of a mile, then run a 1/4 mile. She loved it! Tony took more of a watch-and-see approach to it and is mulling over participating next time.
Amazing Girl!!