Sunday, November 13, 2011

A new ‘Do

Meagan decided it was time for something new…DSC04787

She lopped off about 8 inches of hair last week. (Ok, she didn’t, Laurie our stylist did…) I can’t believe how much older she looks now! Daddy loves how easy it is to brush, big time saver Winking smile

Catch-up Time!

Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks.

We’ve had lots of birthday fun- Meagan turned 5 on the 30th. She had extra celebrating with family and friends this year. She invited kids from her class to Galaxy Gymnastics where they bounced and tumbled all over the place.



Then there was Halloween. Meagan had a ball trick-or-treating as Jessie the Cowgirl. Tony decided this year to sit out trick-or-treating and stayed home with me to hand out candy instead. The weather was unusually warm so we set up chairs on the front lawn and watch everyone come and go. The neighbors followed suit and it was like an impromptu block-party/parade. Here’s a few pictures of the carving of the Jack o’ Lanterns…yes that is a watermelon you are looking at. Turns out they actually work pretty well for carving. This was one that got missed in the garden this summer.


And now that soccer is finished, Tony has had some time to get creative. He made this out of a fence board, almost completely by himself. He had a little help holding pieces together while he nailed them. He used a box saw to cut out the pieces by himself.


So, there you have it. We’re back, just in time for the Holidays!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

More testing…

Time to try out some new software. I’m hoping this will make posting a bit easier. These few photos are from our Fall Festival at the Ranch (same one we have Easter at each year), the pumpkin patch, Meagan in her Halloween costume- she was Jessie the Cowgirl from Toy Story, and Meagan at her birthday party.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yes, I'm still here....

I am in recovery mode: we just survived the Fall Carnival at school, Meagan's family birthday party, Tony's last soccer game and trophy party, a halloween party, Meagan's friend party and Birthday day, and of course, Halloween. This all took place over the course of 4 days, so bear with me while I catch my breath. I'm hoping to get pictures up soon. I am also waiting for my new computer to arrive, which should make posting a little less painless. See you soon!!