Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time for a new faucet...

 One of the joys(?) of owning an older house like ours (it was built in the early 1940's) is that there is always something that needs to be fixed. This time it was the faucet. Something clogged deep within its recesses reducing the water flow to a mere drip, literally. Tom tried everything in the book, but this was unfixable by even the most crafty of handymen. Off to Home Depot I went and after a couple of tries, finally came back with something that will fit under our window sill and still allow for the tap to open.

While waiting, somewhat impatiently, for the weekend when Tom had time to tackle this little project, I made the mistake of opening up the instructions. They made it look so easy! 10 steps, 8 if you decided not to use an accessory. Feeling rather brave, I asked Tom to turn over the wrenches so I could give it a try. And honestly, it wasn't so bad. It actually took longer to get the old faucet out than install the new one.
Here I am removing the old....

Here's the new. Not bad if I say so myself....

1 comment:

Nancy and Carrie said...

You go girl!!! JD had my hanging shelves and pictures last night...