Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Visits to Santa

Yup, its that time of year again! I snuck out to the gym Monday afternoon, which left Tom home with the kids. They decided it was time to visit the big man...

While they were waiting in line, Tom asks the kids what they wanted to ask Santa for Christmas. Meagan immediately pipes up with, "I want 3 Princess Barbies!" (We're not sure what the significance of 3 barbies is all about, other than maybe its because she is 3...1 is too many if you ask me!) Anyway, so they make it up to the front of the line, chit chat with Santa, take their pictures and off they go. I get home and ask her how it went. She looks up, very seriously, and says,"Not good, Mama." Uh-oh....After asking what happened, she says quietly, "He didn't give me the Barbies..." and is on the verge of tears. My very literal 3 year old thought she was getting her Barbies right then and there!! After several unsuccessful attempts not to laugh, it took a lot of quick talking on our parts to explain that Santa only brings presents on Christmas Eve. I'm still not sure she's sold on it though. She's not quite as excited about the whole Santa thing anymore. I'm sure she'll come around eventually....

1 comment:

jrteacherlady said...

Ah, just go with the princess barbies!!! You can do it:) Having a little princess around is what having a little girl is all about!!!!!!!