Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Its a .....

Tony has finally earned his Wii!

Tony has been bugging us to buy him a Wii: "All my friends have Wiis", "Mom, I really need a Wii", "They are so much fun to play...I'll even let you play with it too!"

We couldn't quite bring ourselves to just go out and buy it for him. And then I remembered a while back something about a "marble jar" on my friend's blog...for every good deed, the kids earned a marble and when the jar was full they got to go on a special outing. It got us thinking....maybe he could earn it.

So....we came up with the Noodle Jar. We have a large jar on our counter that is full of noodlies, as the kids call them. We emptied out the jar and put the noodles into a bag. Every time Tony did a chore he earned a noodle to put into the jar. When the jar was full, we'd get him the Wii. Well, he did it. It was lots of bags of garbage taken out, and setting the table, and emptying the dishwasher, but he finally earned all his noodlies. We picked it up on Sunday, and he has been in Wii heaven ever since. Oh, and in order to play his Wii during the week (on school nights- after homework is finished, of course!), he has to earn a noodle. Each noodle is 15 minutes of Wii time.
Its hard to tell who likes playing the Wii more, Tony or us. It is a lot of fun! I'm so proud of all his hard work.
PS- thanks Rachel for the great idea!

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