Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Happy first day of Kindergarten Tony!!


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Now THAT'S a very special milestone! Congrats, Tony!! :)

I was just thinking of when that day will be for us with our 3 year old and my eyes just filled with tears at the very thought! It's indeed a grand moment in time!

Rachel said...

Hurray for Kinders! Such fun! We don't start for two more weeks yet. And your kids are getting so big! I can't beleive how big Meagan is in those pictures! I'm glad Ruth is getting married so we will have an excuse for a get together soon!

jrteacherlady said...

What a big boy! Time sure does fly;) I hope he is enjoying Kindergarten! Give me call if you still want to talk...