Saturday, January 15, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Ok, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Meagan is a preschooler!! We're calling it preschool, even though it is the Pre-K program at Manzanita. She will be in the same program in the fall. I took the easy way: rather than look around for a preschool for her, I heard there was an opening at Pre-K. This way I can drop both kids off at the same time at the same place each morning. I love it! She was just a peanut, not even walking yet when Tony started, and now she's off to school every morning...

Here she is signing in. She is LOVING school! Her teachers say it is like she has been with them since the first day of school. She says the best part is share day (Tuesdays), singing with the new music teacher, and eating lunch in the cafeteria. I'm guessing this is because she gets to see big brother coming in as she is heading out.

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