Monday, March 16, 2009

Going Up??

Ever wonder what its like to live with a monkey? Here's a day in the life with a monkey. Not even a whole day, just a snippet.....

Here's the scene: Daddy is taking the kids to the park. Note the two very excited little ones bouncing all over each other waiting not-so-patiently for Daddy to finish tying his shoes. Hurry up, Dad!! says the older one. Daddy sends them out to the garage to get into the car. Daddy is racing out the door to the car to catch up to the kids. Thinking the kids are actually inside the car (wishful thinking Daddy!), Daddy hits the garage door button to open it up. Daddy, momentarily standing in shock, watches as his 2 year old monkey, uh I mean daughter, is holding fast to the bottom of the garage door as it is rising slowing up to the top. Whee!! says the giggling monkey as the older brother looks on wondering when he can try that....

Let's just say life is never boring....

1 comment:

Laura P Thomas said...

Holy cow...and I thought a pea up the nose was worrisome.