Monday, June 2, 2008

Graduation Day

Congratulations Tony!!

Today was the Pre-Kindergarten Class Graduation at Manzanita Elementary. Very exciting day for these little guys- now, if only they could figure out what graduation is all about....We heard several of Tony's classmates, and Tony himself, asking what graduation was for. We couldn't tell him it meant the end of school and now he was ready to go to kindergarten- technically they are still in school until Thursday- very confusing for the little guys! Due to scheduling issues, today was the only day they could hold their ceremony. But they were pleased with themselves, and really liked the cake and punch at the party that was afterwards. Even better was the impromptu lunch at Red Robins that most of the class ended up attending! Fun times!

The class sang a couple of their favorite songs for us before the ceremony, enjoy! (Tony is in the back row on the right side. He's wearing a red shirt.

1 comment:

Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Oh, he's SO CUTE!!! WOW! This IS a big day for him AND you!!! Well, technically next week..but still big!!

Thanks for the sweet note! I am so glad to be able to know what you're up to these days! :) I'm looking forward to visiting often!