Saturday, August 18, 2007

crash, BANG, wallop!!

Let me preface this by saying I know boys will be boys, but I'm just not quite ready for it yet....Tony has survived his first stiches. Nothing a little Scooby-Do pop and a new movie from Blockbuster can't cure.

We were in the kitchen yesterday checking out Tony's bread that had just came out of the oven (he saw Emily Young making some on the disney channel the other morning and wanted to try his hand at it) I told him that we could use it to make our french toast for 'Breakfast for Dinner'. That caused a fair bit of excitement (it was really pretty cute) The excitement led him to do a little dance of happiness, which resulted in him crashing head-first into the countertop. The crash split his cheek open, which took us to urgent care and left him with 2 stiches under his eye and a fantastic rainbow of colors on his cheek. Let's just say I am extremely thankful he is as tall as he is- half an inch shorter and it would have been his eye!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

OH, poor guy! I hate emergency room visits. Luckily, we haven't had one for a while, although it seems to be a near miracle with all of Chandler's antics!