Friday, May 4, 2007

Adventures in Ashland and more...


Its been a busy week here for us- we took a little trip up to Ashland for the weekend, had the computer upgraded for work, Meagan is 6 months old now, and Nana is here visiting for the week. Lots of fun stuff, not so much time to update. But here is a slide show from the weekend. We found a couple of campgrounds that we're going to stay at for summer getaways, played at a couple of parks, did the Harry & David thing, wandered the Jackson & Perkins test gardens, visited the creamery and came home with a bunch of great cheeses- Yum!

Meagan turned 6 months on Monday. I can't believe how fast time goes! She is 27" tall now and 16 lbs, 5 oz. She is rolling over in both directions & inching her way across the living room 'Meagan style' - she'll start out on her back, arch her head back to see where to go, lift her hips up and push back. She's rubbed off a bit of hair, but luckily its so long its covered up pretty well. She's getting pretty good at sitting by herself, but after a few minutes she'll flop, so we still have to keep a pretty close eye on her. Such a happy girl!


Rachel said...

Meagan has the cutest smile I have ever seen. And with that hair! I predict snow white costumes in your future! So cute. Looks like a fun week!

jrteacherlady said...

Meaehan is sooo adorable! Random question... I can't figure out how to add the counter to my blog. I filled out the info and got to step 3 which told me to insert the info into my page but it doesn't tell me how to do it??? HELP?!?!?