Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gardening Bug Bites Again...

Our recent warm weather and lack of rain has us headed outside to dig in the dirt. I think we hit every garden center in town over the weekend in search of fun new plants.
Ok, so maybe it wasn't every one, but we did find a new favorite and lots of inspiration at the 5 or 6 we did visit.

Tom and Tony are prepping the veggie garden. The tomatoes and peppers are in. We're still waiting for the pumpkin seeds to come up and I think the corn seeds are going in this afternoon. We have some volunteer watermelon seedlings coming up from last year's crop, so maybe we'll have watermelons again this year.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jenn, you are a gardening inspiration! I need to get some advice on growing a tomato soon. We eat so many, why not try it! :) Talk to you soon!