Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Super Tom to the Rescue!!

The flu bug finally caught us....and for a while there things weren't all that pretty at our house. Tony had it first and mildest- he came down with it Thursday. No fever, just the cough and runny nose, threw up a couple of times and late Friday he was done. Meagan came down on Friday with 103 degree fever for a day, spent the next day cranky and out of sorts and she's still got the hacking cough and sniffles. Jenn spent Saturday thru Monday laid out on the couch with the 103 degree fever, body aches, chills, hacking cough- you name it, I had it. I'm still feeling it, but at least I'm off the couch and actually moving around.

Thank goodness for Tom, the SuperTrooper!! Tom took over everything- chased the one healthy kid, tried his best to make the youngest one not so cranky, cleaned the house, fed all us sickies, ran all the errands. He even stayed home on Monday to watch Meagan and so Tony could still go to school- I wasn't off the couch yet....Let me tell you I could not have done it without him! I am one lucky lady....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Love Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Tony made and decorated these cupcakes for his class Valentine's party -they turned out pretty darn cute if I say so myself...

The kids learned a bunch of funny valentine songs to sing for the parents who came to their party.

They also learned the chicken dance. The camera cooperated just enough for me to catch the end of them doing their dance. Get your beaks ready....flap those wings....shake those tushies.....

New Shelves!!

Finally, one of our many woodworking projects is completed!! Right after Christmas both Tom and I got the itch to start building again. So out came the power tools (I can't park in the garage anymore!) and off to the lumber yard we went. Working on weekends and around naps is slowing us down just a little, but we're getting there. The coat racks are finished (paint really takes a long time to dry when its 45 degrees out!) and 2 of the 4 cabinets for the office are assembled. With any luck they will be installed this weekend so we can start on the last 2. I'll post more progress pictures soon. We are having some techincal difficulties with the camera, so posting maybe a bit slow.

Row, Row, Row your duck??

Meagan and Tony found this bathtub insert in their closet and Tom blew it up for them. They have been sailing around the living room ever since....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Star Student!!

We have a Star Student in our house!! Tony was chosen as last week's 'Star Student of the Week' for his class. He was asked to bring in a few pictures and answer the following questions. Here are the questions with Tony's answers....

My Family:
Mama, Daddy, my sister Meagan & Me

My Favorite Book is:
my purple Disney Storybook

My Favorite Color is:

My Favorite Food is:
Mac n Cheese

My Hobbies are:
riding my bike, playing trains, slot cars

I Want to Be A:
Race car driver and a Choo-Choo Train Driver

My Special Things are:
My craft box, my Thomas trains

My favorite sport is:
Riding my bike